<- and ->  or LB and RB for movement

Space or Y (gamepad) for jump

left alt or X (gamepad) for shoot

press Shift 3 or spin left analog stick clockwise 3 timest to charge the dash ability

Shift or  B (gamepad) to use the dash ability

Use up and down arrow keys or UP and DOWN on DPAD to move between floors


What the game is about-

Its about you DEX GRIDLOCK and your investigation into the bad shaped building, you have no alcohol to numb the pain that you will face. From the white goons to the sexy hot pinks. If it moves SHOOT if it doesn't still SHOOT . The game has no words , it has no goals .

You are a regular square in the world of these irregulars and it was your job to look out for this city , but corruption among your precinct chewed and spat you out like a vermin to their cause. Now at the ripe age of 45 degrees you still have your rage against this corrupt world, you go through many marriages with many sides, a portfolio so diverse you could pitch it to the Triangle tank. While working on this never ending case you drown yourself in alcohol and have your stomach pumped more times than you can count on certain days, you reek of tobacco yet you do what you do best…..finding unwanted cases and solving them.

The squares shoot and the triangles stab, the elevators work until they don't. Don't fall all the way down . It's a long way to the top if you wanna ROCK n ROLL

The Development  process -

The game was built over a period of 5 very strenuous weeks, at times I felt my guts punched, brains smashed into pulp and a lot of other gory stuff. This game is a culmination of what I think a platformer should have , what I think games should have today. It should not be taken seriously; it should stay as a commercialised art form, not a commodity that helps big corporations make money. 

We have cinema for that. 

The game is based on the series of reading given to us to create the game for the remainder of our class which formed the core components of my own game to some shape or form which can be read here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rrjXwShaqajh5MEs2CUGNVGEdRLuss-LkJvM-PDcImw/...

The process of making a game choosing a pipeline to work with weekly updates showed me a glimpse of what I can expect in my near future or my very present on what kind of a designer I will be. 

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